Privacity Policy


Horacio Leal (HVL), hereinafter referred to as “site” or “company,” uses the email address, hereinafter referred to as “email,” and has the following Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy:


Legal Notice

The content of this Web page (which includes but is not limited to texts, images, audio, and video components, hereinafter CONTENTS) is protected by Intellectual Property Law. The distribution, modification, transmission, copying, or any use of the contents of the Web page for public or commercial purposes without the company’s authorization is an offense punishable by current legislation. On the other hand, a non-exclusive, free, and personal license is granted to use, copy, print, and download any material or document available on the Web page to a personal computer.


Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes

Alternative dispute resolution is the possibility that all consumers have at their disposal to resort to official entities that help them resolve or guide a conflict before opening litigation processes in the Courts. Generally, the procedure is as follows: the customer asks a third impartial party to intervene as an intermediary between themselves and the merchant who is the target of their complaint. The intermediary may suggest a solution to their complaint, impose a solution on both parties, or bring the parties together to find a solution. You may know the concept of alternative dispute resolution by another name: ‘mediation,’ ‘conciliation,’ ‘arbitration,’ or ‘competent commission within the scope of consumer disputes.’ Alternative dispute resolution is generally less expensive, less formal, and faster than judicial proceedings.


Responsibility for Web Page Content and Updates

The company disclaims responsibility for misuse of the contents and reserves the right to update, modify, or delete the information contained on the Web page and to limit or not allow access to this information temporarily or permanently.

The information included on these Web pages is current as of the date of its last update and should be considered as guiding information for the user regarding products and services and other additional information.

The company is not responsible for possible discrepancies that may arise between the printed version of its documents and the electronic version of them published on the Web page. The contents, commercial activities, products, and services included on the company’s Web page and any of those connected or linked to it are directed to consumers residing in Portugal; therefore, in any case, Portuguese Legislation will be applicable, and the Portuguese Courts will be competent.


Privacy Policy

The provided data is confidential and will be incorporated into an automated file of the company, for which the company is responsible. Applicants authorize the company to transfer the data to its group companies to diligently process their request. The applicant has the right to access, rectify, and cancel these data electronically or by request via email to the address to which the electronic data pertains.


Cookie Policy Definition and Function of Cookies

What are cookies? A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain web pages. Cookies allow a web page, among other things, to store and retrieve information about a user’s browsing habits or their equipment and, depending on the information they contain and how they use their equipment, can allow the user to be recognized. They can also collect, for example, the IP address that the computer uses to access the site, the URL of the requested web page, the connection time, and other parameters related to the operating system of the computer environment used.

Session cookies are not stored in the user’s browser memory, although the information they contain is not used.


What types of cookies does the site use?

  • Technical Cookies: Include performance cookies that help improve the quality of our service and functionality cookies that allow storing user preferences.
  • Statistical Cookies: Collect information about the date of the visit, the URL, and the title of the visited web page. The reports generated with this information are purely statistical, providing anonymous information about browsing behavior.
  • Analytical Cookies: Used to know which search engine was used to visit the website and what search terms were used to find it. They also calculate the time spent on the website in each session and the number of times the user visited the page.


Types of cookies by duration

The cookies used on the site may have the following durations:

  • Session Cookies: Expire when the user ends the session.
  • Service Cookies: Related to some personalized service within the site, expiring within twenty-four hours (24h).
  • Permanent Cookies: Permanently installed in your browser and activated every time you visit the site, unless you disable their use.


Third-party Cookies

When using the site, some cookies are not placed by the company but by third parties. The companies that generate these cookies have their own privacy policies. For more information about the cookies that these third parties install, access the following links:


Activate, Block, and Delete Cookies

You can activate, block, or delete cookies installed on your equipment through the configuration of the options of the browser installed on your computer. If you block the installation of cookies in your browser, it is possible that you may not be able to access some sections of our website.

Cookie management is done through your browser, and to configure cookies – activate, block, or delete – you should consult the following links for major browsers and devices:


To configure third-party cookies, as they are not placed by the company, you should consult the websites of these third parties (identified above) to know how you can identify, activate, block, or delete them.


If you want more information about the use of cookies, request it by email.